Welcome! Thank you for visiting. I’m glad you’re here! I am a natural light photographer located in Denver, CO. I specialize in maternity, newborns and families. My focus and expertise is a natural & relaxed family portrait session that captures the connection & bond of your family.


I am a Mama to three sweet, beautiful children. They really take my breath away. And they are the reason I became so inspired by photography. I wish I could document every single second so I don’t forget it all. Time keeps passing more quickly each year, and photographs make at least that one moment stand still in time, and I love that.


Some useless facts about me: I spent my childhood in New Jersey, then headed to Florida for college and many years after, and relocated to Denver, Colorado in 2020 for our next grand adventure. I am an only child, coffee enthusiast & margarita lover. I’m married to my college sweetheart, and along with our 3 children, we also have two adorable King Charles Cavaliers. I’m a girly girl. I love pink and tulle and flowers. Yet I’m also obsessed with all things farmhouse, shabby chic & boho.


But all you really have to know about me is that I’m a dreamer, and I’m inspired by the emotional connection of family, the bond of siblings and the soul of a child. I want to create artistic family heirlooms. In 5, 10, 50 years from now, I want these images to stir an emotion inside and bring you back to this day, and help you remember all that the mind forgets over time.


I shoot with the mirrorless Nikon Z6. My lenses include an 85mm 1.4, a 24mm 1.8, and a 50mm 1.8. My work has been featured on The Motherhood Anthology, The Kindred Path, Lapeche Journal, Cradle & Folk, The Fount Collective, Beyond the Wanderlust, Lemonade & Lenses, In Beauty & Chaos, Light Inspired & Photo Artistry.


Thank you so much for considering me as your photographer to document the loves in your life. Can’t wait to meet you!




MOMMAS! 2 days only. Special Event Pricing! In my Centennial Studio. There’s literally no better gift to yourself than photos with your children. Click my Link in Bio for all the details and available time slots. These are 20 minute sessions, $475 and includes the session fee and 7 digital images of your choosing (with options to purchase more after you see your proof gallery). This is the best value of any session offered throughout the year! You can DM, email ( or text (813-505-3135) to book. My extensive client wardrobe is included in all sessions! My wardrobe consists of over 150 dresses for mom, tons of sweet baby & childrens outfits ranging in size from newborn all the way through teens, and even an array of shirts for Dad. Don’t let another year go by without capturing those sweet faces and your meaningful connection with them ❤️
#shannonreneephoto #denverblogger #denverstudiophotographer #denverfamilyphotographer #denvernewbornphotographer #denverchildrensphotographer #denverbabyphotographer #denvermaternityphotographer #highlandsranchstudiophotographer  #highlandsranchnewbornphotographer #centennialstudiophotographer #cherrycreeknewbornphotographer #cherrycreekstudiophotographer 
#greenwoodvillagephotographer #littletonstudiophotographer #denverfineartphotographer
#castlerockstudiophotographer #parkerstudiophotographer #parkernewbornphotographer #parkermaternityphotographer  #themotherhoodanthology  #denverlightandairyphotographer
Maternity sessions are such a special way to capture this season—not just for you, but for your whole family (yes, even the pups! 🐾). These moments are timeless, filled with love, anticipation, and the little in-between moments that make your journey unique. Whether you want something casual and fun, or soft and intimate, maternity sessions are all about celebrating this chapter in a way that feels true to you. ✨ 
#shannonreneephoto #denverblogger #denverstudiomaternity #denvermaternityphotographer #littletonmaternityphotographer #centennialmaternityphotographer #lonetreematernityphotographer #highlandsranchmaternityphotographer #castlerockmaternityphotographer #castlepinesmaternityphotographer #goldenmaternityphotographer #bouldermaternityphotographer #auroramaternityphotographer #lakewoodmaternityphotographer #thorntonmaternityphotographer #westminstermaternityphotographer #cherrycreekmaternityphotographer #denvernewbornphotographer #broomfieldmaternityphotographer #parkermaternityphotographer  #denverfineartphotographer #themotherhoodanthology #denverluxuryphotographer
follow us @shannonreneephoto

telephone (813) 505.3135

located in denver, colorado